An Early Morning Home Birth | Birth Stories

Denise had asked me to document the birth of her fourth child, a little boy who she planned to birth at home. Just like the rest of her children she dreamed of a homebirth, knowing exactly what her vision for her birth was.

This sweet little boy would be joining a loving family, with 3 older sisters to watch over him. They were elated to meet him.

Denise had a feeling she might be having this baby earlier than her due date (and there were numerous moments where we thought “this might be it!” and I’d make sure I was ready at a drop of a dime to leave!). For weeks this mama worked through an uncomfortable pregnancy, and by her due date we were all waiting for sweet baby boy’s arrival.

Each day I constantly checked my phone, seeing if she had texted or called. I checked in every few days to see how she was. We crossed our fingers during the October full moon that the energy would kickstart everything, but he stayed put.

Then, early on that Sunday morning, I received a phone call from her, saying she had been feeling strong contractions and felt like things were progressing. She sounded calm and collected, and it sounded like I might have some time before things really progressed. I knew how fourth babies were, though, (and I had an hour drive to her) so I immediately got up and ready to head out the door.

She texted me again, saying that her contractions were really strong, as I hopped into my car to leave.

It was dark when I left my house, and as I drove the sun rose up from the horizon; the sky a ethereal mix of pinks and oranges and yellows. I glanced down from the hilltops of the highway to the valley below, where fog drifted off the land into the air above.

I arrived to their home, just after the sun rose, and documented the outside before going in; the beautiful fall leaves on the trees, their home soaking in the sunrise.

I walked into the home and immediately upstairs where I was met by the family dog and Denise’s mother. She mentioned how the dog wouldn’t leave the baby’s side. I walked into their bedroom where I knew Denise planned on laboring, only to find Denise sitting on her bed with sweet baby boy snuggled on her chest. She was absolutely glowing, and she was smiling, laughing. According to Denise, she had only been contracting for a couple hours, was making her way to the bed during a very strong contraction, and felt baby arriving. With her husband there to help catch, she bent down and scooped her baby up. He had arrived just about an hour after she first called me; swiftly and safely into the world.

I spent a few hours instead documenting these first few moments. The moment the youngest sisters woke up and meet their new brother. Denise, surrounded by her sister, her mother, her girls. The pure joy on a proud father’s face to meet his son. The moments of love, support, happiness, and joy between this family.

Welcome to the world, sweet baby boy <3

If you are interested in learning more about birth stories, and documenting your own sacred story, click here.